
Wednesday 18 December 2013

Sudden art dump


Self portrait.

The dragon is my first drawing using traditional mediums for quite some time.
Drawn using pencil, fine liner pens, copic sketch markers, & pencils.
Both digital & traditional techniques have their own challenges, so it's good to do both. c:

I hate that I've been so in-active, but December is quite a challenging month. Don't be thinking I've ditched on this blog, life is just hectic, I haven't even done housework for ages, I have to get on top of that too!

Ok, no more rambles.


  1. Hi, my name is Lon, and I just wanted to say, I like your art.

    1. Pleased to meet you Lon :)
      Thanks very much for your kind comment, my day is off to a good start.

      PS. It's always great to meet another vegan too :D


Where I want to go - 2 landscapes

I always have a feeling of wanting to escape to somewhere. A beautiful and interesting land where I can build a home and live freely. I'...