
Tuesday 31 December 2013

catch up + todays harvest

December has gone by in a flash, & I was so very busy/stressed with Christmas that I have barely thought about blogging at all.

I think 2014 will be a good year, & now that I know how to control my health issues better, I plan to try to earn some money, my plan is to make & sell art stuff. 

A n y w a y , I'm making this post to share some produce I harvested today -
'Costa romaneque zucchini'

'Red shine onions'. These are the first we have ever grown :D

The gardens are doing well here, both the original existing bed, & the 2 new ones we put in since moving here. I also used up my first compost pile today! Distributing it around all the garden beds to add nutrients + help retain water c: The compost pile was a great success, even though I never turned it, & actually didn't do anything, except add material & leave it alone. It was damp, & smelled nice, & I'm sure the compost will be a welcomed addition to the garden beds :) I'll make a post about how I made the compost pile soon, as I'll be starting a new one now that my first one is done & gone.

Happy new year everyone!

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Sudden art dump


Self portrait.

The dragon is my first drawing using traditional mediums for quite some time.
Drawn using pencil, fine liner pens, copic sketch markers, & pencils.
Both digital & traditional techniques have their own challenges, so it's good to do both. c:

I hate that I've been so in-active, but December is quite a challenging month. Don't be thinking I've ditched on this blog, life is just hectic, I haven't even done housework for ages, I have to get on top of that too!

Ok, no more rambles.

Monday 25 November 2013

Photo dump; bits & pieces from throughout the year...


Monday 18 November 2013

It's all you, Addi! ♥ Rockin' the Soi Dog bandana + 'Voodle lord' Comic!

Regular visitors to this blog may already be familiar with my little cavoodle, Addi. She's the sweetest, most beautiful animal I've ever had the privilege of knowing, she's super soft, & fully awesome!

Among my world vegan day loot was a Soi Dog bandana, which I got for Addi. I was worried she might not like wearing it, but she's totally fine about it. She must know it's for a great cause. ;p

The Soi Dog Foundation are a not-for-profit orginisation committed to rescuing & caring for neglected/unwanted cats & dogs in Thailand, & other Asian countries. They educate locals, & spay animals to help reduce overpopulation.
Soi Dog are also dedicated to ending the dog meat trade, which is incredible cruel & barbaric!
Please visit the Soi Dog Foundation Website, & maybe consider making a donation to support their amazing work.

Thanks guys~

On a lighter note; this is how it is when I do the laundry -

I tip clean clothes onto the bed for folding later (when I feel like it), & Addi is on them within seconds. Every. Time. 'X)
Anyone got any funny/cute animal stories they care to share?... [: )

Saturday 16 November 2013

Wild colours around the garden (✪㉨✪)

Avocado sapling

Purple flowers
Wacky foliage
Chard (aka. Silver beet)

Went out & got some stuff done in the veg patch today :)
I do love plants ♥...

Friday 15 November 2013

Something a little different; comics :)

I've been meaning to to draw more short comics for about... 12 years, & today I did a couple. They were pretty fun.

#1 preview -

 This one is too big to view properly, see the full version HERE

#2 -
'Things Eli says'
He's usually funny by accident.


Wednesday 13 November 2013

Sketch dump; Pikachu + Self portraits.

Back on the Mac drawing some...

How I feel every day.

When you r e a l l y gotta go, & your belt gets jammed.
True story.

Skating ftw.

More to come, I'm feeling enthusiastic right now!

Monday 11 November 2013

World Vegan Day loot : )

Soi dog foundation key chain + bandana.
Mason jar mug w/ re-usable steel straw.
'Ban live export' bumper sticker.
Recycled tyre wallet from Wozwaste.

You can see a full list of exhibitors from the day »>HERE«<
I had THE BEST time! 
It was pretty crowded, especially during the lunch time rush, but it was amazing to see so many people involved in a vegan event. The atmosphere was busy, happy, & friendly, there was food, T shirts, shoes, toys, stickers, & everything in between, along with live music, cooking demonstrations, talks, raffles, plenty of petitions to sign, & more.
If you couldn't make it this year, definitely mark it on your calendar for next year. I'll be there for sure! :D

Sunday 10 November 2013

It's world vegan day! Enjoy some nature (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

(Cookie recipe coming soon)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone ;)

Saturday 9 November 2013

Best Blueberry Smoothie.

This drink has generated a lot of interest, maybe people are keen on drinking cool coloured smoothies?... I'm not sure :p
Whatever the reason, here's the recipe so you can try it for yourself! :)

~Best blueberry smoothie recipe~

*This recipe requires a blender.

- 2 cups cold Organic Soy milk (or choose your favorite vegan milk)
- 3 drops Pure vanilla essence
- 4 TBS Agave syrup
- 1.5 cup Organic Frozen blueberries
- 6 TBS chilled Cashew cream - To serve (recipe)
- 6-8 Organic Frozen blueberries - To serve

Optional extras - Blueberry/Chocolate syrup + Vegan chocolate flakes/chunks.

1. Add all ingredients, except the cashew cream & additional blueberries to the blender, & blend on high speed for 20-30 seconds until well combined & smooth. Add a little additional milk if too thick, & not blending well.
Sample the smoothie to check the sweetness, if you want it a bit sweeter, add a little more agave, & blend for an additional 10 seconds.
2. Transfer smoothie to drinking glasses, spoon on some chilled cashew cream, & place a few blueberries.
3. Drink the purple!

Adding the optional extras: Drizzle some lines of blueberry or chocolate syrup (or both!) into the drinking glasses just before serving. Pour in the smoothie, spoon on the cashew cream, place the blueberries, & sprinkle some chocolate flakes/chunks.

Makes 2 large smoothies.

Soy milk will give the creamiest result, but other vegan milks will be delicious too!
You can also try other sweeteners such as maple syrup, etc, if agave doesn't appeal to you.
Take care peeps! Please always check, & double check ingredients to be sure they are 100% suitable for you. Gotta hate that hidden gluten ]:V

+ optional extras = Best smoothie ever!

This is the blueberry syrup, & the chocolate I used.
I cut the chocolate into quarters, then blitzed it in the blender to make the flakes.
You can use any vegan chocolate & syrup you like ;)

Thank me later ;p

The sweet & The savory; 2 cashew recipes. Cashew cream & Cashew cheese.

I discovered these 2 recipes just a couple of days ago, & they blew. my. mind.
It'd been years since I'd had a rich creamy dessert, & I think most vegans have experienced disappointment with store bought vegan cheese... There are some decent options around, & new improved vegan products are being developed all the time, but I do love to be able to easily make it myself at home : )
Both of these recipes are quick & easy to make, gluten free & vegan, give them a go why not!
Note that both these recipes require a decent high speed blender, something like a Vitamix is ideal, but most blenders should achieve good results.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ The Sweet: cashew cream recipe. *:・゚✧

- 1 cup raw unsalted Organic cashews - soaked for 1 hour
- 3/4-1 Cup Water
- 1-2 TBS Agave syrup
- 4 drops Pure Vanilla essence

1. Combine all ingredients in the blender, & blend on high speed until completely smooth (around 1 minute) Adjust the thickness using more or less water ;) *Remember it will thicken slightly in the fridge.
2. Transfer to a small bowl/storage container, cover & chill in the fridge.

This cream goes great on top of sweet drinks both hot & cold, or it's great to enjoy alongside fruit, pudding, etc, etc, etc.

Blending the cream + Enjoying with strawberry <3

(ノ °`▽°)ノ*:・゚✧ The Savory: cashew cheese recipe. *:・゚✧

- 1 cup raw unsalted Organic Cashews - Soaked for 1 hour

- Juice from half a Lemon (in a pinch you can use OJ)
- 1 clove of Garlic - Coarsely chopped
- 1 Tbs Salt
- 2 Tbs Corn flour (any gluten free flour is fine)
- 2 cups Hot water

1. Combine all ingredients in the blender, & blend on high speed until completely smooth (around 1 minute)
2. Transfer the cheese mixture into a small saucepan, & cook over medium heat for a few minutes, or until it has thickened, & resembles melted cheese. Stir/whisk continuously as it cooks or the mix will stick to the bottom, & become lumpy.

The cheese mix will thicken as it cools, & it crisps up really well on top of baked dishes such as lasagne, pizza, enchiladas, etc.

Pouring the cheese mix + Cheesy zucchini pasta <3

There you go! Two of the best new recipes I have found in a while.
Both these recipes are amazing, & each adds a new dimension of awesome to whatever it's added to :)


Where I want to go - 2 landscapes

I always have a feeling of wanting to escape to somewhere. A beautiful and interesting land where I can build a home and live freely. I'...