
Friday 30 November 2012

'Cheeseburger' noodles recipe (ミ´ω`ミ)

This meal is pretty popular among my family & friends. When I made it for the first time I hadn't intended it to taste like a cheeseburger, but happily that's how it worked out :)
Here's how you do it...


1. Finely dice the onion, & coarsely chop the mushroom, & stick them straight into a skillet or any other frying pan, along with 2-3 tbs of olive oil, + a pinch of salt & pepper, with the heat off.
2. Put a large pot of water on to boil, with enough water to easily cook the noodles (don't go overboard & fill the whole thing)
3. Turn the heat on, & gently saute the onion & mushroom, until the onion is slightly transparent & the mushroom has softened a bit. Add the tomato pasta sauce, & mirin, mix well, then cover, & simmer on low heat, stirring occasionally.
4. In the mean time finely dice the pickles, ready to add at the end. Once the water for the noodles has begun to boil, add the noodles & boil gently until tender.
5. Once the noodles are tender, strain them, & rinse with some cool water. (just swish them under a running tap whilst in the strainer) & Allow to drain thoroughly (tilting the strainer side to side can help free up trapped water ;)
6. Once the tomato sauce has reduced & thickened slightly gently stir through the noodles, then the diced pickles. Dish it up, & add on your favourite vegan cheese (I used 'soy free cheezly') & mix it through a little...

Now you have yourself some fine noodles!

I consider this to be a bit of a 'junk food' & I wouldn't recommend eating it too often ':)
Feel free to experiment & add extra veggies, etc, or other ingredients that might make it more 'cheeseburger' like (obviously keeping it vegan & gluten free :p)

I hope you all like this recipe, enjoy, & happy eating everyone ( ゚▽゚)/ ~☆

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Drawing; 'Happy Birthday Bro' !!!

Drew this one up about a week ago for a friends birthday card :)

(Drawn from scratch using Photoshop CS3 + Wacom Intuos3)

Hopefully more to come! & if I manage to take a photo of my 'cheeseburger noodles' before I eat it all, I will most definitely post that recipe in the next day or 2 as well! I swears 0_0))...

Otway photos c:

A couple of weeks back myself, & one of my best bro's took a trip out the the Otway region of Victoria (Australia) People may know it because The Great Ocean Road runs though the area, & it's a really popular tourist destination, & rightly so, it's really beautiful! There are amazing beaches everywhere, awesome forests, & the rest is ridiculously scenic farmland, lakes, etc. There's heaps to do out there too, personally I'm not much for touristy stuff, but we did do a couple of things like the Otway fly treetop walk (couldn't afford the zip line tour this time around) but the walk was really fun :D
It was a great trip, & I'd recommend it to anyone, we took our dogs with us, & there are a number of pet friendly accommodation places out that way if you are interested in doing the same :)
Here are a few pics from our trip...
Day 1, & Addi (my cavoodle) found herself a place on the couch, & settled in very quickly :)
Our first visit to the beach, the dogs loved it so much! They ran & yipped like crazy, it was really cute [=v=]~
 'Little Bit', my friends papillon. I was lucky to get this photo, cause this dog never sits still!
 Bestest doggy buddies :)
 Otway fly walk. This is looking down from the walkway, pretty!
My inner child freaked out when I found out there were dinosaurs on one section of the walk. I'm quite sure it's intended for kids, but I had the best time, it was my favourite part :p
 Part way up the viewing tower on the walk.
 This is the pushiest (fattest) rosella. He wouldn't share the food with the other birds, & he (or she) was the only one not covered in marks from being pecked at. Life as a bird is a bitch! >_>
 View from our cottage :)
 We took a walk around the property where we were staying, it was a really pretty place, & great fro dog walks c:
 12-ish Apostles + Anakie, Eli's little souvenir plushy.
 Johanna beach (best beach ever!)
Addi loved every second she was at the beach, but I think she misses it now :/
Yay for holidays! Life should be more about this kind of thing, but it's hard to escape the system, even just for a week >_>
Happy beach times everyone! Take care~

Thursday 22 November 2012

A new sketch & (hopefully) more to come! ヽ(。▽°)ノ

Hi everyone!

I've been especially busy lately, which included a four day trip the the Otway region here in Victoria, Australia, with one of my best bro's, & our furry dog friends (best trip ever!) :> I do have a bunch of sweet photos, which come to think of it I should have blogged by now (_°)ノ? but I'll get them up real soon!

In the mean time, I got some new kit for my senior (trustworthy) Wacom Intuos3 graphics tablet :) Being an older model, it was difficult to find what I needed, but I got there, & inevitably, drawing has followed! I only have one sketch for the moment, but I feel some more coming on :V

'Starfighter Fan'

Inspired by an online comic that I love, but I wouldn't recommend it if you're under 18, &/or opposed to homosexual relationships <_<... The artists who writes/illustrates the comic is amazing, & you can find some of her (PG-ish) work here > > > Hamlet Machine on dA.

That's the lot for now, photos are coming, as well as a recipe I call 'cheeseburger noodles'. (& one of these days I will get that 'quinoa pizza' recipe up, I SWEAR!)

Later all~

Thursday 8 November 2012

Orange choc chip muffins of extreme deliciousness (ノ゚0゚)ノ~

These are really easy to make, so roll right into the kitchen & get baking!

So many FX, your eyes will suffer (╥╥)

- A large plastic container with lid for storing the muffins

Dry -
2 Cups of GF Self-raising Flour
2 heaped tbs of Glutenous rice Flour *(optional)
1 cup of Raw sugar (organic if possible)
2 tsp of Orgran No Egg egg replacer
1 tsp of Baking powder < Check that it is Gluten-free
Zest of 1 (washed & dried) Orange (organic if possible)
1/4 Cup of Vegan, GF Choc chips
Wet -
1 Cup of Water
1/2 Cup of Fresh Orange juice (organic if possible)
1/3 Cup of Canola oil (or any other light flavoured oil)

*Due to the oil in the recipe, greasing the muffin tray should be unnecessary if it is a non-stick tray, if you feel like you need to though, only grease it lightly*

1. Preheat the oven to 170°C (340°F) on fan bake. *Do this ahead of time, because the recipe is quite quick to assemble.
2. Combine all the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl, & stir until well mixed.
3. Next, add all the wet ingredients to the dry, & stir the mixture vigorously with a wooden spoon until a thick, lump free batter is formed. *(If the batter seems overly thick or thin simply adjust with a little extra flour or water as per your requirements)
4. Carefully transfer the mixture to the muffin tray, & place in the oven to bake for 22-25 minutes, or until muffins are golden brown. *(Always avoid opening the oven door if you can, this can spoil baked goods)
5. When the muffins are done, allow them to sit in the oven with the door open for a few minutes before moving the tray to a cooling rack. After 5-10 minutes on the rack, carefully remove the muffins from the tray & place them on the rack to cool.
6. Once cooled completely, move the muffins to a large container with a clip on lid to keep them fresh :) If you don't have a large enough container, you can wrap them in plastic-wrap, but a container is much more eco friendly.

(Makes 12 awesome muffins)

*!As usual please always check your ingredients to make sure there are no hidden nasties!

These muffins are great for many reasons, light & delicious, but also quite quick & easy to make :D I've shared these muffins with a few friends, & it's always thumbs up all round!
Just a quick note about Glutenous rice flour, it does not contain gluten! It is just a type of rice that is particularly sticky & stretchy, so it's handy to add to baked goods to add some strength & stretch ;) It can be found in Asian, & Indian grocery stores, as well as online :)

I made this recipe up, & have refined it over a couple of weeks, so I hope it works for everyone, & that you all enjoy it!

Later! ( ゚▽゚)/

Delicious snacks; luvju hearts (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Just another reason to love Nature's Harvest (my local health food store) :p
I discovered these amazing heart-shaped snacks of joy a couple of weeks ago, & I keep going back for more ': ) Both of the ones I buy are Raw, Organic, Fair trade, Vegan, Gluten-free, & filled with super foods! \[:D/
I love them both, & as you can see from the photo they're very different, one is a solid minty chocolate, & the other is like a chewy fruity seed snack bar. They're both worth a try, so I highly recommend you get your mitts on some!
If you are keen to try them, your best bet is a health food shop, otherwise you can also purchase them online from, & there are plenty of other amazing products to check out while you're there :)
~Later everyone!~

Where I want to go - 2 landscapes

I always have a feeling of wanting to escape to somewhere. A beautiful and interesting land where I can build a home and live freely. I'...