
Saturday 9 November 2013

The sweet & The savory; 2 cashew recipes. Cashew cream & Cashew cheese.

I discovered these 2 recipes just a couple of days ago, & they blew. my. mind.
It'd been years since I'd had a rich creamy dessert, & I think most vegans have experienced disappointment with store bought vegan cheese... There are some decent options around, & new improved vegan products are being developed all the time, but I do love to be able to easily make it myself at home : )
Both of these recipes are quick & easy to make, gluten free & vegan, give them a go why not!
Note that both these recipes require a decent high speed blender, something like a Vitamix is ideal, but most blenders should achieve good results.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ The Sweet: cashew cream recipe. *:・゚✧

- 1 cup raw unsalted Organic cashews - soaked for 1 hour
- 3/4-1 Cup Water
- 1-2 TBS Agave syrup
- 4 drops Pure Vanilla essence

1. Combine all ingredients in the blender, & blend on high speed until completely smooth (around 1 minute) Adjust the thickness using more or less water ;) *Remember it will thicken slightly in the fridge.
2. Transfer to a small bowl/storage container, cover & chill in the fridge.

This cream goes great on top of sweet drinks both hot & cold, or it's great to enjoy alongside fruit, pudding, etc, etc, etc.

Blending the cream + Enjoying with strawberry <3

(ノ °`▽°)ノ*:・゚✧ The Savory: cashew cheese recipe. *:・゚✧

- 1 cup raw unsalted Organic Cashews - Soaked for 1 hour

- Juice from half a Lemon (in a pinch you can use OJ)
- 1 clove of Garlic - Coarsely chopped
- 1 Tbs Salt
- 2 Tbs Corn flour (any gluten free flour is fine)
- 2 cups Hot water

1. Combine all ingredients in the blender, & blend on high speed until completely smooth (around 1 minute)
2. Transfer the cheese mixture into a small saucepan, & cook over medium heat for a few minutes, or until it has thickened, & resembles melted cheese. Stir/whisk continuously as it cooks or the mix will stick to the bottom, & become lumpy.

The cheese mix will thicken as it cools, & it crisps up really well on top of baked dishes such as lasagne, pizza, enchiladas, etc.

Pouring the cheese mix + Cheesy zucchini pasta <3

There you go! Two of the best new recipes I have found in a while.
Both these recipes are amazing, & each adds a new dimension of awesome to whatever it's added to :)


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