
Monday 4 November 2013

Big broad bean harvest, and a catch up!

It turned out to be a really nice day, I have high hopes for November!
I spent last month trialing a new diet, it had some positives affects on me, & I think I learned a thing or two, but it was 90-100% raw, & predominately fruit @_@'
The experience was positive overall, & it's a diet that I think is absolutely plausible, however it was crushing my spirit! Maybe if I had continued for longer I may have adjusted some more, & become completely adapted, but in the end I couldn't turn my back on cooking! Through the experience I absolutely realised that cooking is one of the greatest passions in my life, when it was removed, I felt I had little left, & my motivation for most other things dropped, or disappeared...
Why would I start a diet like that in the first place? It was specifically to improve my digestions & help with my ulcerative colitis, it was not a get skinny quick fad diet or anything like that, health is most important, not being skinny! I was to continue indefinitely, but as mentioned above, I felt as though I was being suffocated, so I took all the knowledge I could, & now have a greater appreciation of food : )
If you feel a raw food diet might help your health, you can find more information here >>>

That's the catch up, & hopefully gives you the gist of why I was so very quiet last month...
Now I feel good to truck on, & get busy again, starting with an awesome harvest of broad beans from our garden, which ended as a damn amazing fresh bean stew with oregano (also fresh from the garden)
 If you ever have too many fresh herbs, dry them!
Place them on a rack in a warm dry place, & store when dry. 
Harvesting veggies from your own backyard is insanely satisfying, & as always I encourage everyone to have a try of growing some organic fruit & veg for yourself.
Much more to come this month I hope! I'm really keen to get some recipes written up, maybe the broad bean stew if anyone is interested? I feel like I have a lot to catch up on...
Take it easy everyone, appreciate what you have, & be happy!

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