
Tuesday 30 July 2013

Complete eco dental care; bamboo 'enviro toothbrush' + herbal toothpaste

Until recently I had never given much thought towards my toothbrush, I was already buying herbal toothpaste, having been disturbed to discover how nasty some of the ingredients in many toothpastes are, & that many companies use animal testing!
Whilst browsing one of my favourite online vegan stores I chanced upon these enviro toothbrushes, which are made from bamboo (a sustainable material) & they are completely biodegradable. We were due for new toothbrushes anyway, so I grabbed a pair, & they're great! They do a perfect job, just as good as any other toothbrush I have ever owned, & they're cheaper too :)
These toothbrushes are available at, they are affordable, eco friendly, & work perfectly, they are available with soft, medium, or hard bristles, & also come in packs of 12 for convenience.
Grab one for yourself, or maybe a pack & share them around :P
While you're at it, why not grab some lovely herbal toothpaste, & some vegan dental floss! Complete dental care that's gentle on the environment, & animal friendly too :D
I've got the complete set :P
Keep those vegan chompers healthy, & don't forget to floss!

1 comment:

  1. There are several roots, branches, leaves and some herbs which were traditionally used for brushing tooth. I have used Licorice roots, and it has a sweet taste which I personally find enjoyable. Licorice roots can kill the bacteria which lead to tooth decay and gum disease.


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