
Monday 9 January 2012

Merry (belated) Christmas (• ε •) & other things...

We had some crazy weather on christmas day, & it killed our internet @_@' & so that's why I'm kinda (super) late with this post...
Moving on though, I had a great christmas & I hope everybody out there did as well, or at least tried to make the best of it :p & so I say Merry christmas to everyone, & a happy new year too! On that note I will be sharing a traditional Hungarian recipe that is eaten on new years day, I'll post it later ;3
The weather on christmas day as mentioned above was insane, there was an enormous hail storm, crazy loud thunder, & amazing lightning. There was a lot of damage around Victoria, but thankfully we weren't one of the worst hit, we mostly just had to deal with some minor flooding. Some of our larger leafed plants, like our pumpkin & sunflower sustained a bit of damage, but they all seem to have pulled through.
Personally I love storms & I was running around outside collecting hail as soon as it let up a bit, I did still manage to get hit a few times, & those things hurt :p but I found some strange & beautiful formations :)
 Loop! :D
 Claw >:)
 This is what most of it looked like. I found it pretty odd, I'm pretty sure all the other hail I've ever seen has been smooth, white balls. I like these :)

This is a tiny sample of the damage done to our pumpkin. Some hail stones punched holes clean through : / The nasturtiums, beans, sunflower, corn, & a few others also got hit pretty hard [:o...
& some other photos I shot on the day...
 The sky was like this all day, it made me happy :)
 Macro shot of rain drops of a swizzle stick.
One of our whirligigs.
So we had a very eventful christmas, one I hope I won't forget. I do wish I had taken some more photos, but guess I'll try to remember that for next year :)
All the best everyone!
Ja ne (〃^∇^)ノ

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