
Monday 10 October 2011

A tumbleweed rolls by, & in the distance a lone figure stands...

It's me! :D
I haven't stopped blogging, just a dry patch people, no riots necessary ':)

Quite simply I've been tied up, I'm embarrassed to admit it that it hasn't been with anything terribly important, just a lot of things all at once >_> things in the garden, some random (paid) work, *cough* minecraft *cough* & other such things.

I'm back now, & happy to say that I'm in no shortage of things to post about, actually I have a huge backlog of ideas now ^___^' videos, recipes, photos, all the usual things.

To start things off, here are a few photos from around our garden...

These are some of the only plants we have bought (& not started from seed) just a few scented & herbaceous plants to add variety & (hopefully) help keep some pests away 'X0

The smaller top bed, we put this one in near the balcony so that we could utilise the support posts to put up wire for some climbing plants like snow peas ^_____^ We have started all of these plants from seed & have used purely organic techniques, no harmful chemicals will ever be used on our garden :)

We bunched up some random rocks/pebbles to help reduce erosion from water that drips (& at time gushes) from an open spout from the gutter above.

Seeing the climbing plants gripping to the wire we set up makes me feel warm & happy <3
Go snow pea GO!

We have 2 much larger beds down the bottom, & some of the plants are doing quite well so far, including strawberries, onion, garlic, potato, etc. We are however having some issues with slugs :( To try to help remedy the imbalance we're going to allow our plants to get a bit bigger in pots before planting them out into the beds, I'm also starting to research plants which are natural deterrents to these hungry buggers so we can incorporate them into the garden. We have also started to encourage predatory animals by planting species that they like, as well as creating shelters & water sources for them, so they will hopefully move in & start making a meal of the pesky slugs 'XD Some time in the not too distant future we plan on investing in a few chooks, so maybe they will find & eat some pests too :)

Well it's getting late, & I have a super busy day tomorrow, but I hope I can post lots more very soon.

G'night all~

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