
Wednesday 14 December 2011

Banana thicky ⎝(°∀°)ノ

Recipe -

Equipment needed - Blender

- 1 large, Frozen Banana
- 2 Ice cubes
- 1-1.5 cups of Vanilla Soy milk (or vanilla rice milk, whatever you prefer)

1. Peel the banana, break it in half & stick it in the freezer on a plate for several hours (or overnight) The banana really needs to be completely frozen, not just cold.
2. Toss the frozen banana halves & ice cubes into your blender & add just enough vanilla soy milk so that some banana is still poking out.
3. Blend on medium-high until well combined & smooth, serve & enjoy!

This isn't called a thicky for no reason, it's much thicker than a milkshake, that's normal :p Don't forget to put the banana in the freezer well in advance, the night before is ideal.
This is probably now my most favorite way to drink banana :D Hope you all like it!

The finished drink, thick, bubbly & amazing.


  1. Yummy ! this is delicious recipe.
    I want to make homemade applesauce now...mmm! Great recipe :)

    Gluten Free Recipes

  2. Thanks very much! ( ゚ヮ゚)
    It's great to know someone is enjoying them : )

    Good luck with your applesauce, I'll have to give that a try sometime myself :p

    All the best~ [^___^]/"


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