
Monday 23 April 2012

Bad news: Hiatus on my recipes. Good news: The Vegan Zombie

I feel like a chump for not announcing this a bit sooner, but admittedly I didn't know it would go on for this long...
(I'm sorry Spider Man! D:)
I'm following a strict program that has been designed by a dietitian, in the hopes that it will drastically help my ulcerative colitis, & maybe also my Gluten allergy. I'll definitely fill you all in with the results once it's all over & done with, the only thing is I'm not sure exactly how long it will take : / The program has been pretty intense & has involved fasting, followed by a strict eating plan, which makes it pretty difficult to cook anything other than what I'm allowed to eat -___- On the up-side, I do feel pretty good : )
I've been on this program for a little over a month now (hence the recipe hiatus) I'll be seeing the naturopath tomorrow, & I'm desperately hoping (although not expecting) that he'll tell me I can eat normally again [: I If that happens I'm gonna start cooking like a mad person 0_0 If not I'll just have to keep waiting...

On to happier news! Whilst on this program I've missed food so much that I find myself staring at food all day, recipes, cooking channels on Youtube, etc. I've bookmarked hundreds of recipes & more recently I came across a fantastic Youtube channel called 'The Vegan Zombie'. In short it's a vegan guy named John trying to survive a zombie apocalypse. He travels around & cooks up a variety of vegan food & shares recipes : ) This channel basically combines two of my greatest loves, food & zombies
(I also happen to fear zombies above all other things, but I still love zombie movies, etc ???) The zombie crew have a Facebook Page, & a Website too, complete with a shop where you can get Zombie Crew totes, wristbands, shirts, aprons & more :D
***I just checked & there's no shipping to Australia though. Heartbroken :(
Although majority of the Vegan Zombie recipes are not Gluten-free, I do plan on adapting a few to be celiac friendly, once I can cook again of course, so there's another thing to look forward to : )
Here's one of my favourites from the Vegan Zombie-

More good news: During my food deprived madness I also made a facebook group called Vegetarian & Gluten-free Food Ideas. I post on there as much as I can, so if you're interested definitely join, everyone is welcome : )
All the best everyone! Stay happy & eat well.

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