
Monday 1 August 2011

Thoughts about diet + a few interesting links... UPDATED

In the last couple of months I've done a bunch of browsing online & found a few great sites that share some really interesting recipes. They are all vegetarian (actually most are vegan) & most are gluten free too, but the ones that aren't can usually be made so by alternating 1 or 2 ingredients : )
The sites I have so far are predominately raw food websites, I have been investigating the raw food diet for a while now & there are so many great raw recipes out there that I decided it was definitely worth sharing, plus I'm sure many of us could greatly benefit from incorporating some fresh raw foods into our diets :3
Whilst on the subject of diets I would like to briefly explain why I choose to be a lacto-ovo vegetarian (vegetarian that eats eggs + dairy) & not a vegan, or a raw foodist. Quite simply it's about nutrition, vegans & raw foodists both seem to have issues with vitamin B12 deficiency, & need to take supplements, & I personally believe that you should be able to get everything your body needs from your diet, no pills or supplements should be necessary. So if a diet fails to provide everything the human body needs, then I can't help but question whether it's right...
I definitely need to investigate a lot more, & I'm planning on incorporating some raw vegan food into my diet & depending on how I feel, possibly trying a completely raw vegan diet (no better way to know than to try it...) Happily the focus of the raw food diet is health & wellbeing, so I'm definitely keen to give it a try & see how I feel. However I am still worried about vitamin B12 so I will definitely be getting a blood test done to check that I'm not deficient in that or any other vitamin or mineral.
All these different diets seem great, they boast all kinds of different benefits (like weight loss) however your health is what's most important, & when it comes to health, your diet is the key factor, so eat well & you will feel well :3
For the time being I feel very good on a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, I had a blood test not long ago & everything was in check, so I must be doing something right ^_____^ I still feel I need to work on my diet, I would like more energy & I often still feel bloated or sluggish, I'm also convinced that I could still be a lot healthier, but that's gonna take some time.
Important update:
Regular readers will be well aware that I am now a 100% dedicated Vegan, I really want to clarify that after almost 2 years of research I now know, without a doubt that the best & most healthy diet for a human being is a whole food, plant-based diet (ie. a balanced, healthy vegan diet) Dairy is extremely bad for the human body, & eggs are not much better. Our bodies do not require these foods, quite the contrary!
Having lived vegan for well over a year I can tell you that the improvements have been very impressive, my weight has stabilised, as has my health, my energy, motivation, & mood have all improved, & I am comforted by the knowledge that (to the very best of my ability) I am living a cruelty free lifestyle, which also has a less negative impact on the environment, &  of course, continues to improve my health :)
If you are a lacto-ovo vegetarian wondering about making the change to vegan, I say go for it! Don't hesitate, because you will undoubtedly notice an improvement. Please just remember that processed & junk foods are not the way to go! You need to eat fresh (preferably organic) fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, & to a slightly lesser extent, also nuts & seeds :)
Fresh natural plant foods are the way to go, please check out my newer post for more information, thanks!

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