
Saturday 16 April 2011

No soap, shampoo or conditioner (((Progress report...

So it's been (roughly) a week since I stopped using soap, shampoo & conditioner, an I thought I'd quickly share the ups & downs of the experience.

Ups so far...
My skin seems to be doing very well, it has gotten a bit oily a few times (mostly just my face a little) but I swear overall it looks clearer & feels smoother. I've noticed less spots & blemishes too.
I feel happy that I'm not washing anything harmful down the drain, no toxic ingredients, fragrances, soap scum etc : )
I don't have to worry about accidentally ingesting gluten (many hair products contain wheat ingredients & I am very allergic 0_0) I can once again sing freely in the shower :p
Saving money :D Yes, definitely a big plus, over the course of a year you'd have to save a couple hundred dollars.
I know what I'm using, no more mystery ingredients or man-made concoctions, simple, natural & safe.

& the downs...
As mentioned above, my skin has gotten a little oily at times, it hasn't been as bad as I thought it might be, & nothing a quick rinse couldn't fix.
The most difficult thing has been my hair, that has gotten quite oily, I know it'll take a couple of weeks to adjust, in the mean time it doesn't really bother me, I just kinda hope people don't notice an think I'm all gross 'XD After I give it a good rinse with some lemon juice it's much better. I think this actually shows how much natural oil etc you're stripping away by using shampoo. I think (& hope) that left to it's own, natural devices my hair will balance itself out eventually c:

I do plan on trying out the soapnuts I bought once they arrive in the mail, till then it's just good old lemon juice & lavender, which is working really well so far : )

Here's a quick photo to give you a rough idea of what my skin & hair is looking like at the moment.
My skin is pretty clear (which is odd for this time of the month...) but as you can see my hair is looking pretty mussy (it IS due for a good rinsing tho)

I'll keep you all informed on how this works out, any questions, feel free to ask ^u^

(try your best to ignore the mighty pile of washing in the background '8p)

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