
Monday 11 April 2011

Some of my better (older) photos - Just for fun : ) (((Good times, good memories...

In no particular order...

Some fancy plant that grows at the boarding kennels I currently work at. Funnily enough the same plant grows at the previous boarding kennel I worked at... any link, or just funny coincidence?... If anyone knows what this plant is, don't hesitate to comment with the answer! :D I like how the 'flowers' are pretty much just purple leaves :p

Amazingly coloured branch I happened to notice on a walk once, there were a few like this, but this one had the best colours. I was utterly in awe of this natural gradient :o

This be my old dog Akira, I suppose he was younger in the photo, but he's turning 12 this year :o how time flies... also he's blind now. Anyway I caught him pulling this ridiculous face 'XD I had scrapped it originally, but stumbled onto it a while back an added the speech bubble (I have mad Photoshop skillz :p)

Addi (or more commonly Jiji-Bean)-(named well before I ever discovered The OKO Box where there are stories about a donkey named JuJu Bean) So anyway she's a cavoodle (cavalier x poodle) & the best dog EVER! She's super happy ALL THE TIME, friendly, cuddly & floppy, she flops & rolls all over the place, I love her sooo much. She is my bean <3

So one night while sitting in the dark soaking up some heat, I randomly decided to take a photo of my fire (I made it, it was mine >_>) but anyway, this is how the photo turned out, wha?... I took a few more, but they all had this purple funk going on, strange stuff. I love this photo as much as I love the memory of the comforting heat from the fire <3

Crazy reflections on our dam. I took this photo using a program on my phone, colours & contrast are way exaggerated, but I like the final effect, quite soothing... especially the way the rocks slowly disappear into the water ~(^3^)~

Probably the most spectacular beetle I have ever seen in Victoria 0_0 A friend of mine spotted this little fellow crossing the footpath on one of our walks. We called him something like, 'the spastic disco beetle'. Turns out it's actually a 'Botany Bay Diamond Weevil' & they're actually considered to be a bit of a pest as they feed on acacia trees & cause damage to plantations (their larvae can kill the trees by eating the roots) but then again, maybe that's what you get when you use monoculture! What a cool looking bug!

This adorable little frog jumped out of a plant I was watering one morning. He sat on the wall trying to blend in (damn fine job I say!) & I managed to snap a shot or two [:D Brilliant!

This be pumi-cat, the wee stray kitten we found starving to death out in our back shed, she was the runt & she needed help! Poor thing was all bones, & her face was so dirty! My sisters & I brought her in & cleaned her right up. We hand raised her with an eye dropper, it was the best thing when she first worked out that it was food, she went crazy an started sucking it down like mad! She got stronger & stronger, bigger & healthier. She was sick for ages, we had to clean her nose & eyes several times a day cause they were all snotty an gross D: She did make a full recovery though, see photo below!

Adult pumi-cat in all her glory, isn't she beautiful! [:D This is my most favourite photo of her : ) So after all the hard work, we found her a loving home (we're not really cat people) & she lives happily with them to this day. I should go for a visit again soon, I miss her, she was a freakin awesome kitty!

Pools of fresh rain that had collected on this fallen leaf. I thought it was one of the coolest things ever, I took a million photos, & here's one of them. It makes me happy every time I look at it [: ) They're like silver jewels, how. AWSOME!!! ]:D

Pretty tree bark on one of my most favourite trees : ) I love the light patterns, nature is the best \ ^o^ /

Lovely spring weather, a (double!) rainbow (OMG) & a mob of kangaroos happily feeding away on super green spring grass :D Looking at those hills makes me want to roll down them! I'd end up very soggy by the time I got to the bottom though : I Maybe if I had a waterproof canvas swag...

Some super cute kangaroos that were handing around out front of our house. The young lady in front is a new mommy! Joy! Her joey has spotted me peeping at them through the door 'XD What beautiful creatures, if you've ever seen a kangaroo jump clear over a fence you're a lucky one, I've never seen anything else so fluid & powerful.

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